“Library is a Growing Organism” – says Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, who is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science in India, in his fourth law of library science.
The library of Bishop’s College is treated as one of the most important organs of the college, as it not only is a repository of books and documents, but also a resource/information centre, and centre of several academic activities.
The Number of holdings (books) shelved in the general stack rooms and reference room is 35,000 and number of back volumes of bound journals is 20,000. Over 1000 volumes of new books on an average are being added to the library collection every year through acquisition and gift. The library receives over 150 serial publications through subscription, journal exchange policy and also as gifts.
The library is automated through KOHA Open Source software. Catalogue/database of books, articles of periodicals and of books is searchable in the OPAC Terminals within library local area network. Circulation and library record keeping are also maintained through KOHA software. Simultaneously the library also maintains manual card index and manual circulation system for safety.
In order to serve the research students, in particular, the library subscribes to JSTOR Digital Library Portal with the support of North India Institute of Post Graduate Studies (NIIPGTS). This facility is available only within the library WIFI network.
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As a part of the library, the archives is equipped with published and unpublished documents of archival values, that include reports, minutes of meetings, financial documents, correspondences of Church of Scotland (Bengal Mission), London Missionary Society (LMS), Church Missionary Society (CMS), Society of Propagation of Gospel (SPG), Churches in India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon (CIPBC), Christa Prem Seva Ashram, Poona. A collection of Biographies including the biography of Bishop Thomas Fanshawe Middleton (1769 – 1822), the founder bishop of Bishop’s College are preserved in the archives. A collection of rare books printed in the then Bishop’s College press, including the works of Rev. Krishna Mohan Banerjee are also available. A collection of original manuscripts, in the subject of religion, written on palm leaves, and on old handmade papers are the special attractions of the archives.
Recently, we have added the original documents belong to Late Rev. Canon Subir Biswas of St. Paul’s Cathedral who established Cathedral Relief Service (CRS) during 70’s to serve the victims of the famine.
A collection of unpublished documents
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Communication to the Bishop’s College Archives
e-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 09836426575