Members of the Faculty


Rev Dr Sunil M Caleb, Principal

BA (Hons), MA, BD, PhD

Professor of Theology and Ethics

He has taught at Bishop’s College since June 2000 and is presently the Professor of Christian Theology and Christian Ethics. He was appointed Acting Principal of the College in August 2007 and has been Principal since August 2008. He was a full-time CNI presbyter at Christ Church, Shimla in the Amritsar Diocese of the CNI between 1993 and 1997. He completed his BA (Hons) in Economics from Delhi University and his MA in Economics from JNU, New Delhi. Thereafter, he earned his BD from United Theological College, Bangalore and his PhD in Christian Ethics from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. His main interests are in the ethics of economics and economic policy, development ethics, climate justice and Dalit and indigenous peoples’ issues. He has also published a few papers in various Indian journals and edited books.

Rev Dr D Isaac Devadoss

BSc, BD, MA, MTh, MPhil, PhD

Associate Professor of History of Christianity

He has taught at Bishop’s College since November 2004 and presently the Associate Professor of the Department of History of Christianity and Mission. He was a full-time CSI presbyter in the Diocese of Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu between 1995 and 2004. He completed his Bsc (Botany) from St. John’s College, Palayamkottai. Thereafter, he earned his BD from Serampore College, MTh from Gurukul Theological College and Research Institute, MA (History and Heritage Management) from Annamalai University, MPhil (Asian Christian Studies) from Pondicherry University and PhD in History of Christianity from the University of Kwazulu-natal, South Africa. Alongside his academic work, he is also engaged in pastoral ministry at the St. Saviour’s Church (Tamil Congregation) of the Calcutta Diocese of the Church of North India.

Rev Priscilla Papiya Durairaj

BA (Hons), MA, MAR, BD, MTh

Associate Professor of New Testament

An ordained minister of the Calcutta Diocese of the Church of North India, she is Associate Professor in the Department of New Testament at Bishop’s College. Her research interests include feminist theology and feminist readings of the Bible. Rev Durairaj is also Dean of the Extension and Laypersons’ education programme at the college. She keeps herself involved with pastoral ministry and in various other capacities in the Diocese of Kolkata and with NGOs.

Dr T Chubawalang Jamir

BA, BD, MTh, MPhil, PhD

Associate Professor of Religions and Philosophy

Dr. Jamir is currently Associate Professor in Religion and Philosophy at Bishop’s College. He is also the Registrar of North India Institute of Post Graduate Theological Studies (NIIPGTS). He did his PhD on Gandhian Studies from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

Rev Dr Swarup Bar

BA (Eng. Hons), MA (Ling.), BD, MTh, PhD

Professor of Christian Theology

Has been in full-time pastoral ministry in the Diocese of Calcutta since 2007. He completed his B.A.(Hons) in English and M.A. in Linguistics from Calcutta University. Thereafter he earned his B.D. from Bishop’s College, Kolkata and joined the Diocese of Calcutta for pastoral ministry. After some years he completed his MTh in Christian Theology from NIIPGTS and started to teach part-time in Bishop’s College. This was followed by the earning of his PhD in Systematic Theology from the University of Edinburgh, U.K. in 2017. Now he is employed in Bishop’s College as an Associate Professor in the department of Theology. He is also the Presbyter-in-Charge of St. Andrew’s Church, Diocese of Calcutta, CNI. His research interests include Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Asian Theology and Christian Theologies in India. He has recently published a book based on his PhD thesis entitled The Spirit Shaped Church: A Spirit-Ecclesiology in India (Fortress Press, 2021) and also a Study Material for BCS entitled Introduction to Christian Theology (SCEPTRE, 2021) and published articles in IJTNCC ReviewBangalore Theological Forum (BTF) and others.

Rev. B Silpa Rani


Assistant Professor of Old Testament

Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Bishop’s College, she has recently completed her Masters in Theology from the United Theological College. Ms Silpa Rani has returned to Bishop’s College to enable the Biblical Studies Department. Her research was on the issue of Capital punishment, looking at specific texts of the Old Testament. She is also interested in Feminist Studies, Gender and Human Sexuality and is involved in the ecumenical movement in India and abroad.

Dr. Gifta Angline Kumar

B.D., MTh, DTh

Assistant Professor in Religions

Ms. Gifta Angline Kumar is from Odisha, Church of North India (CNI), Sambalpur Diocese. She did her B.D. from Bethel Bible College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Her MTh in Religions is from NIIPGTS and she secured her DTh in Religions from SATHRI under the Senate of Serampore College (University). She was an assistant professor in Orissa Christian Theological College before she joined in the Department of Religions at Bishop’s College as assistant professor.

Mrs Nukshijungla Longkumer Veino


Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry

Recently joined the college as an Assistant Professor in the Christian Ministry Department. Completed Bachelor of Art (English) from Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharastra, Bachelor of Divinity from Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Assam and Master in Theology (Christian Education) from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, Maharashtra.

Her area of research was based on educating and sensitizing the Church and society about the challenges and struggles faced by single parent and the deprived people in the Church and society.

Dr. Lalmuanpuii Hmar

MA, BD, MTh, DTh

Associate Professor in New Testament

Dr. Lalmuanpuii Hmar completed her M.A. (English) from Mizoram University, B.D. from Aizawl Theological College and MTh and DTh from NIIPGTS. She has recently joined as Associate Professor in the Department of New Testament.

Rev. Bishakh Dutta

B.D., MTh

Assistant Professor in Old Testament

Rev. Bishakh is from West Bengal. He is first generation Christian baptized by Mizoram Presbyterian Church (Calcutta Mission Fields) in 2004. He did his BD from Bishop’s College, Kolkata and his M. Th. in Old Testament is from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. He served in evangelism and pastoral ministry under Evangelical Church of India, Kolkata Diocese since 2006. He has been in teaching ministry in Calcutta Bible Seminary along with the responsibility of Academic Dean since 2017. He has recently joined Bishop’s College as Assistant Professor of Old Testament. 

Mr James Wesley


Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry (Counselling)

An assistant professor in the Christian Ministry Department, his area of specialisation is Pastoral Care and Counselling. He has been teaching at Bishop’s College since 2013. Currently, he also serves as Dean of Studies. He is interested in research in the area of pastoral theology with a special focus on Laity training or studying the importance of training and engaging the lay congregation members in mutual pastoral care both within and outside the church. Currently, he is researching the importance of hope in healing and sustaining life. Instilling hope becomes an important task of a Christian Minister in the midst of structural and systemic evils that shatter hope and leave people living marginally in despair and hopelessness. Some of his published articles are: (i) Revitalising the Pastoral Care of the Church; (ii) Bhakti (Devotion): A Christian Perspective; (iii) Development Saga: Towards an Ethics for Sustainable Living; (iv) Climate Change: Challenges for Christian Witness.

Rev. Ashish John Archer


Assistant Professor of Missiology & History of Christianity

Rev. Ashish hails from Gonda, Uttar Pradesh. He was engaged in pastoral ministry for 6 years (2010-2014, 2016-2018) in the CNI diocese of Lucknow.  He did his Masters in English literature in 2004, his BD from Bishop’s College in the year 2010, Masters in 2016 from United Theological College, Bengaluru. He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies. His academic interests include Intercultural Theology, Intercultural engagements in religion, art and architecture, alternate mission histories etc. He will be joining as Assistant Professor in the department of Missiology and History of Christianity. 

Rev. Dr. Amos Massey

BA, BD, MTh, DTh

Assistant Professor, Christian Ministry

Christian Ministry

Born and brought up in Punjab- the northern stae of india. Served in the diocese of Chandigarh since 2012 as an ordained minister of the diocese of Chandigarh – the Church of North India. He completed his B.D from Bishop’s College in 2012. Thereafter, in 2016, he earned his Master of Theology in Christian Ministry specialised in Pastoral Care and Counselling from United Theological College, Bangalore. Currently he is pursuing Doctor of Theology in PCC – Christian Ministry from United Theological College under SATHRI – Senate of Serampore University. His areas of interest are involved with systemic & contextual approach of Mental Health and Cognitive behaviour, Psychotherapy with Punjabi dalits Christians in relation to their transitional identities and crisis, family and Child  Psychology. He has joined as assistant professor of Christian Ministry.

Mr. Solomon Khyouchi Veino

BA (Hons), MA, BD

Assistant Professor, Christian Theology

Mr. Solomon Khyouchi Veino of Phuba Thapham, Senapati, Manipur belongs to Phuba Thapham Baptist Church of Poumai Naga Baptist Association. He completed his BD (Bachelor of Divinity) from Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Assam in the year 2013 and his MTh (Master of Theology) from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune in 2016. He joined Bishops College as a part time lecturer in the year 2018-20 and in the year 2022 he is appointed as a full time Assistant professor in the department of Christian Theology. He is married to Nukshijungla Longkumer who also teaches at Bishops College and they are blessed with a son Mariao Veino who is 3 years old now. His area of research during his Bachelor of Divinity was in regard to Youth Alienation from the church which brought out practical means to draw youths closer to the church. During his Masters in Theology, he did his research on tribal theology of Northeast India critiqued it from a Poumai Naga perspective.

Pastor J Jubileeraj Joshua

BA, MA, BEd, BD, MTh

Department of New Testament

A part-time faculty member in the department of New Testament. He is also the Director of Living Hope, an NGO that works among rural poor. He completed his B.D. from Bishop’s College and his M.Th., specialising in New Testament, from the North India Institute of Post Graduates Theological Studies (NIIPGTS). His area of interest involves making the gospel relevant to the people living on the margins through social action and pastoral care.

B.D. at Bishop’s College (2006- 2010)
M.Th. (New Testament) at NIIPGTS (2014-2016)

Present Work:
Part-time teacher at Bishop’s College
Director, Living Hope
Pastor of Family of God Fellowship

Revd. Samuel Mall

BA, BD, MTh, DTh (Pursuing)

Assistant Professor of Christian Theology

He was ordained as a Presbyter in the Diocese of Chandigarh, CNI in 2008. He continued serving in the diocese as a full-time minister till he joined his MTh in 2010. In his MTh work, he focused on constructing Dalit Christology in conversation with Historical Jesus Studies. After the completion of his MTh, he joined the CNI Synod Programme Office in Nagpur as the Programme Coordinator for Training Development and Empowerment. This work gave him an opportunity to connect his academic training with challenges of practical pastoral ministry in CNI. He worked with all dioceses of CNI and focused on planning programmes on the training of the Clergy and Laity at the Synod and Diocesan Level. He has also represented CNI in the Executive Committee of CISRS (Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society), Bangalore. Samuel teaches courses in Christian theology to BD and BCS students of the college. His research interests include Christology, Dalit Theology, Religious Pluralism, Religious Nationalism and Contextual Theologies in India.

Mr. Mede Jeevan Sagar

Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering

Assistant Professor in the Old Testamentlogy

Mr. Mede Jeevan Sagar is an Assistant Professor in the Old Testament Department at Bishop’s College. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor of Divinity from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. Following his B.D., Mr. Sagar pursued a Master of Theology in Old Testament from the United Theological College, Bangalore. His M.Th. research focused on the influence of the Holiness Code on the Dead Sea Scrolls, with a specific emphasis on the purity laws in the Damascus Document and their implications for Dalit communities in India. His earlier research, for his B.D., explored the metaphor of illness and healing through a socio-rhetorical reading of Hosea 5:13-6:3. Mr. Sagar’s academic interests are Second Temple Period Literature, particularly the Qumran literature including the Damascus Document (CD) and Rule of Community (1QS), Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Hebrew grammar and linguistics, Old Testament theology, and the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Wisdom Literature.

Robinson Nelson Christian

B.D., M.Th. (Homiletics), and D.Th.

Associate Professor in Christian Ministry (Homiletics)

He is ordained and has been involved in pastoral ministry with the Church of North India, Gujarat Diocese, since 1995. He taught at the Gujarat United School of Theology (GUST), Ahmedabad, as core faculty for five years and as a visiting faculty for two years. He had been involved in the leadership development program in the Gujarat Diocese. He earned his B.D., M.Th. (Homiletics), and D.Th. (Homiletics) from Serampore University, W.B., India.

His areas of academic interest include Postcolonial Preaching, Homiletics of the Third Space, Decolonizing Ecclesial Space, etc. He contributed to preparing a Theme Study Document (“God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the Creation”) for the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Council of Asia. One of his works on preaching was published as “Preaching to the Postmodern Indian Mind: Contextual Challenges,” in the ABS Journal of Theology 7, no. 1 & 2 (December 2019).